A fresh start for Beckenham & Penge

At the next General Election, we will be in a new constituency called Beckenham and Penge. It will be one of the closest marginal constituencies in London, and a straight fight between Labour and the Conservatives.

I am your Labour Party candidate - standing to be the full-time, hardworking and visible MP our community deserves.

Why I'm Standing

What motivates me to stand to be our MP is rooted in my experience of the NHS as a child. When I was 13, I had an accident that left me unable to walk for four years. And aged 17, I became one of the youngest people in Britain to have a hip replacement.


I’ve never forgotten the care I received from NHS staff. I owe them everything. And they’ve inspired me to fight for others – just like they fought for me. For over a decade, I’ve campaigned for disabled people, and built a career getting things done in education and for a tech start-up. I live in the constituency, and as your MP I will bring my campaigning experience to be a strong voice for our area.

My promises to you

  1. I’ll be a visible and accessible local MP. I’ll work hard for everyone in our constituency. I’ll hold regular surgeries and run an office that serves and supports our communities.

  2. I’ll be a full-time MP. I’ll never hold any other jobs, and will be a hardworking MP who always puts you first.

  3. I’ll bring local people together to shape change in our area. I believe politics starts with listening. Whether it’s schools and parents’ groups, charities or local businesses, I’ll make sure everyone’s voice is heard.

  4. I’ll be your strong voice in Parliament, focused on the issues that matter to us here. From investment in our public services to tackling crime and protecting our green spaces, I’ll speak up on the issues that matter to you.

  5. I’ll open up politics to involve everyone, especially our local schools. I’ll convene groups so we can work through issues affecting our communities together. I’ll also set up a ‘school trips to Parliament’ scheme within my first year as your MP.

Sign up to volunteer

Join our campaign to turn Beckenham & Penge red.
